Thursday, 2 May 2013

Final Look 3. . .

3rd and final image which is my head shot. In this I wanted to recreate the deterioration of Daisy as a person. Her character, her life and general surroundings are all crumbling around her. To describe this image in one word I would say 'numb', as this is the moment after she had just hit Myrtle so she is going through many emotions. I picked this as my final image as I think my photographer really captured the shame, despair and worry through my models eyes. With the camera being slightly lower and Lauren's chin being raised and looking down I think this worked well to create a sense of being lost within herself which is exactly how I could image Daisy Buchanan being. The make-up wasn't really developed much from my second shoot, just simply smudged lipstick to resemble an unpolished look obviously from what Daisy had just been through. For the eyes I applied a shade of grey from my Super Color pallet using a cotton wool pud and with water I created a look that made Lauren seem as if she had just stopped crying. The look of being distraught and finally catching her breathe again. I find this to be quite a powerful image but one thing that I shall take note for the future is that on Lauren's left cheek where the water had trickled down her face it left an mark in her foundation. At the time the water was falling down her face but because the make-up was still in place and didn't smudge, with the line on her cheek, it doesn't look like a tear it looks like an imperfection in the skin. This is something that I shall take on board for my future shoots, to keep focus on the little details that work together to make the over all image.

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