Friday, 26 April 2013

Hair Practise. . .

During one of my practical lessons when I had already learnt how to finger wave the traditional wave, I tested out these 3-pin tongs as to see if they could create the same effect, but just be more time efficient. With finger-waving, and especially as I am planning on doing my shoots on location, I wanted to try out if using this tong it would create a similar effect but just be a lot more quicker, also as well with finger waving, if it doesn't go right then I worried I wouldn't have enough time to do it al again and then wait for it to set.  

To create my desired look, faster and more effective, I used these Babyliss 3-pin tongs. Absolute god-sent but one thing that I learnt from my first practise on Emma, is that when sectioning the hair I have to keep the same line when gripping the hair otherwise the waves will be un-even which will result in it being hard to maintain that 'S' shape that I want. 
Below are the pictures of when I practiced this technique on my model, Lauren Hannan. As Lauren has the perfect length hair for what I need, I made extra sure that I tried my best to get the line right at the root of the hair so all of the waves will fall together to create the 'S' shape. Still getting there but practice makes perfect!
This is an image I found on Pinterest and is pretty much the exact style as I want Lauren's hair. Still think and not totally sleaked down, but with the signature 1920s waves. This is a style that I think I shall use for atleast 2 of my final shoots.

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